Episode 17 – Small Diesel Engine Opportunities

Steve and Chuck interview Paul Kelly from Maxiforce Engine Parts, who supplies diesel engine parts, about the opportunities that are out there for machine shops in the small-bore diesel engine market. Paul enlightens everyone about how one engine can be used in several different pieces of equipment from one manufacturer. Also, this month’s history segment pertains to the Indianapolis 500 and how one of our longtime associate members participated in the Indianapolis 500 in the early years.

Episode 16 – API Engine Oils

Chuck Lynch and Dave Hagen interview Jeff Harmening from the American Petroleum Institute (API). Jeff explains licensing of engine oils, proper storage and handling, engine oil specifications, diesel engine oils, and what should engine builders expect with new engine oils. Steve and Chuck also discuss the Ford Flathead V8 engine during the history segment of the podcast. They also let you know about the upcoming AERA Regional Tech & Skills Conferences.

Episode 15 – Magnetism

Chuck and guest co-host Dave Hagen, AERA’s Senior Technician (filling in for Steve for this episode), discuss how parts can become magnetized and how to demagnetize those parts. February is the month of NASCAR as the Daytona 500 kicks off the 2022 season, so they also cover the formation of NASCAR. Plus, one little nugget about the 2021 Ford Bronco Engine!

Episode 14 – Incoming Part Inspection

Steve and Chuck discuss the importance of inspecting and checking your incoming parts before you start to assemble that engine. Making sure that that the parts you ordered are correct by taking measurements and comparing is a vital step in making sure that engine runs and last. Also discussed is the finishing of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway which was completed in December of 1909. Take a listen and learn a little history as well as checking and inspecting parts coming into the machine shop!

Episode 13 – AERA Online Training

Steve and Chuck discuss the AERA Engine Machinist Online Training and Certification Program with AERA’s Rob Munro and special guest Dave Capitolo, who is an instructor from De Anza College. Dave goes into detail about how he uses the program in his classroom to help teach engine rebuilding. The group discusses the program and how it can benefit you moving forward when looking for job placement in the engine machining/building industry. Steve and Chuck also discuss the BOSS 302 and everything happening at the upcoming PRI Show for AERA!